So, yes, my last post made me have that warm fuzzy feeling about my son. Seeing that good, big chunk of love that is inside of him. I like that feeling. I like that feeling much better than the one I had earlier today. The feeling like I could snap at any moment and become some horrible monster. The "Mommy Monster". I mean, I was standing on the sidewalk across the street from my house. In suburbia. Which means in literal terms that everyone who lives around you, knows who you are from what they see in the street. When the fire department shows up or the police. When you're pulling weeds in your front yard which is a big garden of weeds and we wonder why you're picking them. Picking only some of them and leaving so many others to grow and take over your yard. Why you sit there for hours on end, picking, at nothing. And then there's the crazy lady down the street who yells at her kids to put a stick down like it's a bar of gold. That's when you realize...YOU are the crazy lady living down the street yelling at her kids.
Nice one!
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